
October 21, 2011 at 8:23 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , , )


Sadly, I haven’t worked on anything new (writing-wise) in a few weeks. I haven’t really worked on anything old either. Unless the ongoing cycle of editing counts! It doesn’t help that my desk had assorted clutter on it (cleared off now), that I was working additional shifts at work and that I left town for approximately a week to visit family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday season (Canada). Thank God for my journalling (on Volume Seven at the moment), otherwise I may not have gotten any writing done at all!

You may or may not have noticed that this Blog has been untouched by yours truly for a while now, and is in TERRIBLE need of updating…

Snapshot of the last few months: left my job in Public Health for a far more gratifying job in Long Term Care, started dating again after a too-long hiatus, switched apartments – love the new one!, friend who knows me best moved back to Canada, looking forward to a trip to China in the spring (thank YOU Chamber of Commerce), ended intimate relationship with “M” to whom I can credit a lot of inspiration and also the hunger for more than what i was entitled to, recieving small reminders that I have a dozen-plus novels and novellas published (these take the form of $40 – $50 royalty checks every so often, not a lot, but a nice little reminder that someone SOMEWHERE is reading my stuff), lost approximately 25 pounds (probably from leaving a desk job for one where I do a lot of walking/pacing), and am looking forward to having a delightful Halloween party for some old friends & new ones!

Recent writing accomplishments: next to nil. Revisited a series I began writing circa 2005 about a young woman who is transported to a dimension where she begins to turn into a dragon and is expected to lead a resistance against the powers that be; revisited my tale of a father haunted by the ghost of his murdered daughter – probably going to focus on this tale for a while; revisited “Lucky” about a girl who is lucky in all things but love; revisited “Friends Who Come Over for Dinner…and other tales of adults misbehaving appropriately”, a collection of naughty adventures starring a fearless young woman with an insatiable appetite for all things tasty; revisited a series of shorts about people who win the lottery but lose the quality of their lives in the process; revisited a tale about an enchanted cookbook and the woman/women it chooses. Also trying to get a start on a nerve-wracking horror novel, but it just won’t get off the ground: every start seems like a false start.

As for romance novels? I’m kicking around some ideas. There’s the story i keep picking up and putting down about the comic book artist inspired by – and infatuated with – a supermodel with mommy/insecurity issues. May work on it soon, i feel the timing may be right to light a real spark between these two characters. There are a variety of others, but since they were written with “M” in mind, I feel somewhat uncomfortable with stirring that pot right now. There’s a new romance brewing in my life at the moment, and this has inspired me. However, I think I should do a little more research *lewd grin* before I begin breathing life into that particular Gollum. Some of the things I write seem more authentic when i am experiencing them first hand…and since art reflects life, and one should write what one knows, well frankly I need to know more before running with scissors down the hallway of love/lust/infatuation/pheremones.

That being said: in the last several months, nothing published, nothing submitted for publication, nothing finished, nothing noteworthy started.

Ye Gods! Time to get cracking!


Amanda M. Holt
Amateur Author, Neophyte Nurse and Sometimes Productive Person

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